As an advertising opportunity, County Studio Tour gives businesses a chance to engage with our sophisticated audience. The tour prints over 4,500 full-color catalogues that map out all the artists’ studios, while highlighting your business along the way. Each artist’s studio, as well as local businesses, will distribute the catalogues to the clientele you are eager to reach throughout County. As an advertiser, your business will also be highlighted on our Facebook Fan page.
Take advantage of this new and exciting venue for advertising your business. Be part of a collaborative exchange which benefits both artists and businesses.
CHESCO - March 13, 2020
MONTCO - April 17, 2020
DELCO - August 14, 2020

"Partnering with the Studio Tour is a unique way for
us to reach out to our potential customers. We help
to support the visual arts, which are a vital part of
a vibrant community, and promote our brand in a
new and different outlet."
- Chris Tolsdorf
Tolsdorf Oil & Lube
County Connoisseur - “PRE-View”:
Inside cover of catalogue - [CHESCO - 8,000, MONTCO - 4,000, DELCO - 4,000 printed}
Sponsor identification on footer of all pages on web site
Included in social media campaign
Identified as Sponsor in all publications and press releases
Targeted email promoting location and “Pre-View” Show
Sponsor identification on Thank You card to be mailed to all participating business
Total package - $4,500 - $6,000
Sponsorship of 6” x 6” County Collector Paintings
Backpage advertisement space in catalogue - [CHESCO - 8,000, MONTCO - 4,000, DELCO - 4,000 printed}
Identified as Sponsor in double page spread in catalogue
Identified as Sponsor on back of all County Collector Paintings
Sponsor identification on web site
Targeted email promoting Early Arrival for County Collectors
Sponsor identification on Thank You card to be mailed to all participating business
Total package - $3,000 - $3,800
County ROUTES:
Sponsor identification on Map
Sponsor identification on webpage designed specially for art routes
Sponsor identification on unique email blast designed specially for art routes
Sponsor identification of art routes in catalogue
Full page of advertising in catalogue for your business - [CHESCO - 8,000, MONTCO - 4,000, DELCO - 4,000 printed}
Sponsor identification on Thank You card to be mailed to all participating business
Total package - $1,500 - $2,500
County CASH:
Full page of advertising in catalogue for your business - 4,000 printed
Sponsor identification on County Cash Certificates
Sponsor identification in catalogue - [CHESCO - 8,000, MONTCO - 4,000, DELCO - 4,000 printed}
Sponsor of $500 Award to “Best Artist”
Sponsor identification on Thank You card to be mailed to all participating business
Total package - $1,500 - $1,700
Full page of advertising in catalogue for your business - [CHESCO - 8,000, MONTCO - 4,000, DELCO - 4,000 printed}
+ on-line FB post - $400 - $500