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Mimi Barclay Johnson




Rachel Broadbent
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In the 4th grade, I had to choose between music and art, and I choose music. Then, all grown up and singing with Savoy (G&S), I had a chance to try art again and submitted a stage/set design which was chosen. For years I did stage and lighting designs for companies at the Academy of Music and for Orpheus Revels but when I got too old to be dodging dangling wires or jumping over huge rolled canvases and cables ready to be hoisted, I took my paints outside and founded the French Creek Art Colony and fell in love with plein air painting, the majesty of outdoor scenes, the amazing colors in all the shadows and the incredible, pure, dramatic lighting that one finds only outside and can never get in a studio. Older now, I do paint inside and I paint from memory, but what wonderful memories they are. Transparent watercolors are my favorite and I do use Kolinsky mink hair brushes. I am beginning to paint more with oils and use both sable and hog bristle brushes. Pigments in both mediums are the same brilliant colors. I mix my own greens, greys, purples and blacks. Painting is fun and full of color. Like life.


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2024 County Studio Tour Sponsors

County Studio Tour Sponsor Citadel Credit Union
County Studio Tour Sponsor Pook & Pook inc
County Studio Tour Sponsor Dovetail Auctions
County Studio Tour Sponsor Tolsdorf oil lube express
County Studio Tour Sponsor Herrs
County Studio Tour Sponsor ARTS Montco
County Studio Tour Sponsor Manatawny still works
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