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Linda Lurcott
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I am a maker. And I respect the creative process. I have been a maker as far back as I can remember. Since becoming a metal smith, over twenty years ago, I was delighted to discover my great-grandparents owned and operated a jewelry store in New York City for many years. I loved realizing how much I had in common with my ancestors. I got my love for metals from them as well as a few tools of the trade. I enthusiastically began to work with metal.
Soon, I was emersed and learned as much as I could, spending hours trying techniques and with the many tools I came to acquire. I took classes and workshops. I loved the malleability found in metals. I still love how metal can flow and bend to craft form. I truly enjoy when the process results in a piece of beautiful jewelry.
One of my favorite techniques is straw broom casting. The results can create small organic sculptures that can resemble icicles. A broom casting piece can stand alone as a single jewelry piece. Yet some can be combined with precious stones to fashion a unique jewelry piece.
Stone setting is another favorite technique of mine. I love adding the color of precious or semi-precious stones to any given technique for an eye-catching element in my designs. Both design and stones offer sensory appeal to the wearer.
Jewelry created from these techniques can offer sentiments to the wearer. Visually a piece can reflect a personal preference. A jewelry piece can offer a smooth or textured surface. Either way jewelry is an emotional purchase. Jewelry wearers purchase what they love. They love the look, feel or they love the person who is to receive the piece as a gift. Sentiment by way of senses or feelings is my creative intention. I am a maker. I love creating beauty and bringing that beauty to others.
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