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Lorraine Glessner
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Mixed Media

Using landscape as inspiration, connection and metaphor, my interest is in the exploration of human interaction and psyche-the navigation of the line between what is hidden and revealed to others. Real and imagined stories exploring inner demons, desires and vulnerabilities of the human mind fuel my work. The consequence of revealing what is hidden can be both a dream and a nightmare, causing a chain reaction gamut of emotions ranging from anguish to exhilaration. The amalgamation of these intense emotions and the simultaneous existence of danger and seduction within the earth and the body is what I investigate through my work.
Through the process of layering, scraping, excavating layers of encaustic and acrylic paint, I replicate nature’s destructive power as well as its regenerative abilities. Collaged fragments of found images act as another form of paint as well as trigger memory and create personal connections. Through the mark-making and painting process, the actual storied histories of the combined images is interwoven with my own personal experiences and imaginings about their history. As the painted and collaged layers accumulate, abstracted patterns begin to fuse, splinter and regenerate, acting as a metaphor for the volatility and vulnerability found in the relationships between earth and humankind and between humans themselves.
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