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Dolores Bartholomew

Mixed Media

Originally from Buffalo, NY I have shown work locally and in the United Kingdom where I sold my work while pursuing her D.Phil at Oxford University. My award winning “Meanings of the Heart” art has been added to several private collections across the United States. This stylized watercolor and ink form was conceived based on studies of visual perception and its impact on the brain’s functions of memory and learning and how it enhances warm connections with family and others. More recently, I have been experimenting with water-based oils and sculpture as other mediums for pursuing studies pertinent to brain research on “plant blindness” and the social and ecological implications related to climate change. Working in collaboration with colleagues at University of Pennsylvania and students from PAFA and Jefferson, where I teach SciArt, Biology, Botany and Genetics, and Guerrilla Science in NYC,I have curated and produce work for shows and workshops focused on this issue.

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