LynnMarie Whitt
My journey into jewelry design started with the gift of a rock tumbler from my grandfather when I was 8 years old. Inspired by all things in nature & the recurrence of the Fibonacci sequence throughout my body of work includes handmade paper & wire jewelry, using a unique lamination technique I developed which implements a wire frame structure & handmade paste paper, as well as wire woven jewelry, using copper, sterling, bronze and stainless steel wire & wire sculptural items such as 3D & 2D trees, stretched canvas wire mandalas, & framed wire sculpture utilizing copper wire, glass beads, gemstones & crystals. Although, I love working with a wide variety of materials & mediums, I always return to my first love, copper wire. In my most recent work, I have been exploring the sculptural world of cold connection copper wire to create unique, whimsical art pieces.
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