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Alecia Miller

Mixed Media

The search for connections began early in my life. My parents came from different religious backgrounds, there was a blending of traditions, and exposure to a wide variety of belief . I read a lot about religion in those days - looking for similarities amongst the differences, searching for common experiences among people.
Three main themes continually emerged - the sacred geometry that runs through all living things, man’s relationship with nature, and childhood memories and experiences.
I have become a collector of these things. A collector of signs and symbols that merge and flow across cultures; a collector of wonder and peace found in the woods; a collector of the sounds of bees and birds and wind and water; a collector of memories and mythologies that make up the stories of people's lives.
As these work their way into my paintings, I hope to evoke the senses and spark some remnant of memory in the viewer - whether it is the quiet of their favorite hiking spot, the energy they feel upon waking, or a glimpse back through their childhood eyes.

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