Art Ability
Mixed Media
Art Ability is a year-round showcase and celebration of artists with disabilities. Annually in the fall, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital hosts Art Ability’s international, juried exhibition and sale of art and fine crafts that features work by artists with physical and related cognitive disabilities, as well as hearing and visual impairments. Participating artists express their creativity through painting, photography, sculpture, fiber arts, stained glass, jewelry and fine crafts. All work has been created since the onset of disability and is available for sale. The Art Ability program’s outcomes are consistent with its objectives when it was created in 1996: to provide public visibility and access for disabled artists; to encourage diversity of artistic expression; and to provide a venue where artists can showcase their work and compete in the marketplace. Participating artists, many of whom live on limited resources, have the opportunity through Art Ability to gain greater financial independence. Through sales of their work, they can attain greater recognition and credibility in the arts industry. This exposure also builds a sales history and stimulates interest for the artists from collectors, dealers, and arts patrons. Art Ability is an integral part of Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital and Main Line Health, and is beloved by staff, patients, and visitors alike.
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